Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

L07 Country Group Discussion

L07 Country Group Discussion

Q Country groups will read current events articles that they find about the country they are studying. Each student will summarize one article in one paragraph. Each person must choose a separate article. In the second paragraph they will apply the information learned he about their country to one of the aspects of majoritarian versus consensus democracies taken from Lijphart which is being used as the framework for the rest of the semester. For these discussions, you will be discussing only with fellow students who have also been assigned the same country.

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The article of BBC shed light on the issue of borrowing costs of Italy in recent times. It has been further highlighted in the article that this issue of borrowing is increasing with each passing day which will eventually cause a lot of challenges to the nation. The article has underpinned the estimates of the Italian ten year old government debt, which has become quite high. It has been learnt from the article that this practice of the Italian government has received serious flaks from the European Union Official ("Italy - BBC News", 2018).